The employer and employee may agree on a probationary period. It provides the employer the possibility to assess the employee’s suitability for the job, while giving the employee the opportunity to get to know the workplace.
Leiden has once again become more international in the past year. In 2023, 34.5 percent of Leiden’s residents have a migration background and 13.1 percent have a foreign nationality. In 2022, these percentages were still 32.9 and 11.6.
In a recent ruling, the subdistrict court ruled that an employer was obliged to make available the contents of the business e-mail accounts of a dismissed employee.
Good news for first-time buyers! In 2024, you will not have to pay transfer taxes if you buy a house in the Netherlands below a certain price. Find out about this new benefit here.
Embarking on a journey to a new country often raises a multitude of questions. Luckily for expats, the RSH "Relocation and Housing Podcast - 7 Questions about..." series unravels the key to establishing a new home in the Netherlands.
The FIRE concept has captured the imagination of many young adults seeking financial independence and early retirement. This article explores key takeaways from the FIRE movement that can inspire any investor on the journey toward financial success.
If you are planning to hire or work with artists from outside the European Union, it is important to find out if and on what basis the artists and crew can reside and work in the Netherlands.
The Leiden region is a wonderful place to raise a family in, but making the decision to move your family to a new country can be leave you with many questions. Check out this article to learn more about what to expect from moving here with a family.