Legal Assistance

Do I need a lawyer?
A single judge handles minor civil cases in the "sub-district sector," where you don't need a lawyer, like rent disputes, consumer disputes, and employment disputes. A lawyer is always assigned to anyone taken into police custody in criminal law cases, although official representation is not required. You are required to have a lawyer represent you in court in most other cases, such as the District Court, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. If the other side in the case is also using a lawyer, finding one is especially important.
Low-cost legal help
You can get free legal advice from the Juridisch Loket on a variety of topics. They have a legal desk in Leiden, and they can give you a lawyer or a mediator to talk to and tell you if you can get free legal help.
For individuals whose income falls below a predetermined threshold, the government pays (at least partially) for subsidized legal assistance. Learn more from the Legal Aid Board (Raad voor Rechtsbijstand in Dutch).

Finding a lawyer
If you need a lawyer because of your situation, you can talk to the Netherlands Bar Association or ask the Juridisch Loket for a recommendation. While some lawyers provide a free initial consultation, their services cost money.
If you need advice on employment law, property law, setting up a business or you are concerned with immigration law, do not hesitate to contact our specialised partners.