The vaccination "Twijfeltelefoon"
Do you have questions about the corona vaccine? Then you can call the Vaccination ‘Twijfeltelefoon’ (which translates to ‘Doubt Telephone’ in English). Telephone calls are available in English, Dutch, Turkish and more languages to follow. Turkish speakers can call the telephone line every Wednesday between 08.30 and 13.00.
For a month now, medical students have been answering questions about the corona vaccine via this phone line. Last week, over ten thousand people called with questions about the vaccine. The intention of the Vaccination Twijfeltelefoon is to soon provide telephone calls in even more languages, such as Arabic and Berber, to help encourage vaccinations.
Call the Vaccination Twijfeltelefoon at 088 - 7 555 777 or look at their frequently asked questions (information in Dutch).
For more information you can visit the Twijfeltelefoon website (information in Dutch).