Leiden International Centre 2023 Statistics
Our helpdesk offers support to internationals living and working in the Leiden Region. 540 internationals scheduled their BSN registration through us in 2023, during which they benefitted from a 30-minute welcome appointment with our helpdesk worker. Other than in-person appointments, our helpdesk also offers video calls and the possibility to ask questions via email. In total, our helpdesk had 1200 contact moments in 2023, during which our service provider partners were referred to 2000 times.
A deeper look into the numbers shows that our BSN registration service was popular especially among Chinese, Indian, and Italian citizens. US nationals moved from the third position in 2022 to the fourth in 2023, followed by Indonesian citizens.
The most frequently asked questions concerned BSN registration procedures, followed by rental housing and health insurance. Other common questions regarded taxes, translating and legalising documents, and public transportation.

Social Media Outreach
In 2023, the Leiden International Centre social media outreach kept expanding. This has been especially notable for our LinkedIn profile, our website, and our Expat Newsletter. Aimed at different audiences, both expat and corporate, our channels have shown good growth in 2023. Our LinkedIn profile in particular reached the goal number of 1k followers, with a growth of 31% in the past twelve months. For our international audience, the Expat Newsletter had a growth of 9% in subscriptions this year, and our Facebook page numbers keep increasing, reaching 7.4k followers this December. The year of 2023 was also a great success for our website, with 71k users – 22% increase compared to 2022 – and 95k sessions. Most of our website users are located in the Netherlands, but we have a considerable amount of visits from the US and Germany as well, followed by the UK, Italy, and France.

As Leiden International Centre, we use our social channels and helpdesk to support not only the internationals but also the companies in the Leiden region. In 2023, we provided support for 170 companies in the region. We helped internationals in the Leiden region by redirecting them to our 46 service provider partners. Finally, our monthly social events – the Meet&Mingle – were a success: more than 400 internationals attended, with a record number for the September edition of 100+ participants.