Check what is required for you to live and work in the Netherlands based on your citizenship.

EU/EEA Citizens

If you are staying in the Netherlands more than 4 months, you must register in the Personal Records database. Check the BSN Appointments & Registration page for more information.

As an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen you do not need a residence permit to live in the Netherlands. The passport or ID document of the country in which you hold nationality allows you to stay in the Netherlands. You are not required to report to Immigration Services (IND).


A passport on a table.

All EU/EEA or Swiss citizens are entitled to work without restriction in all sectors and industries.  

However, to stay in the Netherlands you must be:   

  • A citizen from an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland
  • Not be considered a risk to public order or national security  
  • Have a valid travel document

Non-EU Citizens

You will need a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands for a period of over 90 days. Your eligibility to work legally in the Netherlands is explained in the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) brochure Coming to work in the Netherlands.  

Requirements for residency permits vary per type and country of origin. More information and application forms can be found on the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) website. 

Filling out forms.

Intra-Company Transferee

The EU Intra-Company Transferee directive was implemented in 2016. The objective of the ICT directive is to make it easier for multinational companies to transfer skilled workers from non-EU countries. The new ICT rules override other schemes such as the highly skilled migrant scheme. Any applications for highly skilled migrant status will be checked against the conditions of the ICT directive, and in the case of an overlap only an ICT permit will be granted. 

Check the IND's Intra-Company Transferee page for more information.


Bristish citizens (without an EU passport) now fall under two categories:
1) If you were resident in the Netherlands before 31 December 2020 you are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement
2) If you moved/will move to the Netherlands after 31 December 2020 you must apply for a residency permit

More information can be found on the IND website's page Living in the Netherlands after Brexit and the Dutch government's website.

Short Stay Visas

Depending on your nationality, you may need a short stay visa if you would like to visit the Netherlands on holiday, for a family visit or for business. A short stay is maximum of 90 days. For a stay in the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (previously the Netherlands Antilles) you may need a Caribbean visa.  

Visa requirements for travel to the Netherlands can be found on the IND website.

Find out more about coming to the Leiden region