
Sinterklaas, or Saint Nicholas, was originally a bishop from the 4th century in Turkey, and, over the next few hundred years, stories of this saint's miracles became well known throughout Western Europe. He eventually became the patron saint for children, as well as the patron saint for a number of other areas of society. The Dutch have celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas for more than 700 years, although may of the more recent traditions, including his arrival on a steam boat, have only been around since the 1800s. Sinterklaas is a beloved tradition amongst many Dutch people, and his arrival brings many traditional stacks, presents, and the festive songs.
There are two important dates revolving around Sinterklaas in the Netherlands, which include:
- Sinterklaasintocht (Sinterklaas's arrival), which takes place on a Saturday several weeks before the 5th of December.
- Pakjesavond (a 'package' evening), which takes place on the 5th of December.
Learn more about how to celebrate Sinterklaas below.
The arrival of Sinterklaas in November is an exciting day for many children. Throughout cities and towns in the Netherlands, you can witness his arrival (usually via boat) into the town. His journey is often heralded with special Sinterklaas songs, and many crowds gather to watch as he sets foot on dry land. Once he is on land, he will then make his way through the city, either on horseback or - in some notable instances - on motorbike. He is always accompanied by numerous helpers, referred to as Pieten or 'Pete', who hand out pepernoten (a traditional Dutch biscuit-esque snack) to onlookers. Different towns and cities may also organise related events that allow children to interact more directly with Sinterklaas, his helpers, or even to board the boat he arrives on!

In the days leading up to the 5th of December, or Pakjesavond, children may leave their shoes out either in front of the fireplace or by a window in the hopes of Sinterklaas leaving a gift in the shoes. On 5th of December itself, Sinterklaas is expected to have delivered presents to the younger children. Older children and adults can join the festivities in a different way: by gifting presents to each other! Traditionally, these gifts are paired with a self-written poem about the recipient and are cleverly disguised so the contents remain a mystery. These creative packages are called surprises and add a fun twist to the celebration.
All about pakjesavond