Visa Application

There are several different visas, find out which one your newly hired employee needs.
Visa less than 90 days
If the stay in the Netherlands is for less than 90 days, a short stay/Schengen Visa is required. This visa applies to the Schengen area: 26 countries that do not have border controls.
Application for a Schengen visa has to be done at the Dutch Consulate or Embassy in the country of nationality or country of permanent residence. Keep in mind that the application must be submitted at least 15 days before the intended journey and cannot be lodged earlier than 6 months before the start of the intended journey.

Visa for more than 90 days
Employees staying in the Netherlands for more than 90 days, need a provisional residence permit (machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf), the so-called MVV. Having an MVV is also a condition for obtaining a residence permit.
A (recognised) sponsor often applies for the MVV. This can be done by post or online. It is also possible to apply for an MVV directly by contacting the Dutch Consulate or Embassy in the relevant country of nationality or country of permanent residence.
Foreign nationals from countries that are in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA), do not need an MVV. Most other nationalities require one. Moreover, there are exemptions from obtaining an MVV.

Conditions for entering the Netherlands
- Hold a passport or travel document issued within the last 10 years, which must be valid for at least 3 months after the date of departure
- Proof to have enough money to cover the costs for the duration of the stay
- Be able to demonstrate the purpose of the stay to customs and immigration officials
- Not being considered a threat to public order, national security or international relations.

Employees with a Dutch employer
The employer or institution will play an important role in the application procedure. It is even possible (sometimes necessary) that they apply for the MVV on behalf of the employee and make use of the so-called 'accelerated application'. The normal procedure for obtaining an authorisation for temporary stay (MVV) usually takes between 3 and 6 months. If the educational institution or employer brings in employees or trainees from abroad on a regular basis, he may be eligible for the accelerated MVV procedure. This procedure takes just a few weeks.

Voluntary MVV
Foreign workers from a nationality that do not require an MVV to enter the Netherlands can voluntary ask for an MVV as well. The reason to do this lies in a big advantage in the residence permit application. When they apply for an MVV, their case is reviewed before arrival and when applying for the actual residence permit they will receive a sticker in their passport that serves as a residence permit. This will allow them to work immediately after the residence permit application.