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until 31 May

Yamato Hinotori - The Wings of Phoenix

YAMATO is a Japanese Taiko drum group. Yamato has performed more than 4,000 shows in 54 countries around the world. They are on stage with more than 40 Taiko drums and they all have a different character. All other Taiko drums are different sizes and have different sounds.

The members of the group have trained their bodies to the limit to play this enormous Taiko. The acoustic pressure exceeds imagination.

They don't just explode their Taiko drums into a huge sound; they also produce delicate music that provides the listener with a palette of carefully crafted tones. YAMATO is sometimes intense, sometimes sad, sometimes comforting and in the next moment comical on stage. 

The audience is more than a group of spectators. The audience is engulfed by the sound of the Taiko, sweat, crying and laughing; they become one with the artists. They come together to create a moment where they feel truly alive.
